Rev. Patrick Collins
Patrick is a member of Abundant Life Community Church, volunteering in a number of different church ministries. He is a professional Identity, Mindset, and Financial Coach, and he oversees the ALCC’s prophetic team and prayer team miistries.
Patrick was called out of his 25-year corporate career to, “Equip and empower the younger generation to know their identity and walk in authority.” He coaches young men in the church and volunteers at Teen Challenge NJ. Patrick is also a part-time rideshare driver, where he calls himself an “Uber” Evangelist, sharing the gospel with and praying for his passangers.
Patrick’s goal is to see the captives set free and for people to live life abundantly greater than all they could ask, think, or imagine. He prophetically speaks over people’s lives digging deep to bring out the gold and the truth about how God sees them. Patrick eagerly desires to see individuals walking in peace and hope like never before, knowing who God created them to be.
Patrick’s heart is to restore the sons and daughters to their Father who calls them loved, redeemed, and forgiven, and who sends them out to walk in power, truth, and the authority of Christ. His favorite Bible verse is Philippians 2:13 – “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”