If I am currently seeing a therapist or a counselor, can I still attend a Transformation session?
Yes, we believe a Transformation session will complement a therapist or counselor’s work.
Will I need multiple sessions?
We recommend 3 sessions over the period of 3 months.
How can I best prepare for my Transformation session at ALCC?
Although there is no formal preparation, we recommend that you pray and fast leading up to the day of your session.
Do you need to be saved to be ministered to?
We come alongside anyone who needs help and we introduce them to the Prince of Peace.
What ages do you minister to?
From age 5 thru 105.
Do you minister to children?
Yes, we minister to children with a parent in the room.
Can one Transformation session actually heal a lie that has been believed for many years?
Yes. Once the Lord heals the first time the lie was settled into your spirit, the rest of your life experiences based on this lie will realign to His truth.
Is there a fee for a Transformation Center session?